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Buena Vista Farm and Mr. Reed

As a photographer, I have been given great opportunities to meet wonderful people. However, sometimes, my journeys introduce me to people in tough situations. My time with Mr. Reed with at Buena Vista Farm was a sweet one. Yet, what is currently being proposed to be done to him and his farm breaks my heart. The county where he lives wants 10 acres of his land and are considering eminent domain to condemn his land. Why are they doing this? Because the offer they made to purchase the land, which by the way was below market value, was not accepted.

The county says they are in need of a new fire department. Yet, is Mr. Reed's land the only place for this fire department. The quick and simple answer is "NO!"

When visiting and photographing Mr. Reed's farm and barn, I had a few brief moments with his daughter. She said, "They (the county) thinks they will be just taking 10 acres of Dad's land. They don't realize if this action is followed through with they will be killing my father."

Mr. Reed has been a hard worker and according to his daughter has always only wanted to be a farmer. This is exactly what he has been doing, along with many honors and write-ups over the years about him in the Westmoreland News.

I will be keeping track of Mr. Reed and what happens to him and Buena Vista. This photographer believes his story needs to be told.

UPDATE: July 26th, 2017

The following link will take you the latest Free Lance Star article about Mr. Reed's property:

Until next time,

The "Old Barn" Lady

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