Farley Vale...

Farley Vale has been around for centuries. The 1700's warehouse barn foundation (according to Weber Taylor) is no longer there. The only part left is the foundation in the above photo. However, Mrs. Taylor, Farley Vale's owner made sure the warehouse timber lived on. She built a log cabin on the property using the wood.
According to a 2012 Free Lance Star, "they (The Taylors) live on a farm that was settled in 1794, the Taylors appreciate something that has lasting quality...Weber Taylor said a barn that may have dated to the 1700s had to be taken down years ago, but the boards and the huge hand-hewn center beam were set aside for future reuse." A visit with L.D. Taylor during June 2017, would show the craftsmanship of the wood used from the warehouse barn.

The beautiful craftsmanship and hand hewn marks can be seen in the steps from the warehouse.

The steps are from the warehouse barn and displayed in the log cabin. L.D.'s use of the steps shows his ingenuity and creativity.

Antique signs and artwork compliment the wood throughout the cabin. Even the floors in the cabin had wood from the warehouse barn.
Enjoy the beauty Farley Vale:
Until next time,
The "Old Barn" Lady